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Performance of industrial grade button batteries

I. Introduction

As a miniaturized and high-performance power supply, button batteries have been widely used in industrial fields, such as instrumentation, medical equipment, Internet of Things sensors and so on.However, the performance of coin cells varies significantly in different working environments, especially at high and low temperatures.Understanding these differences is essential to ensure stable operation and reliability of the equipment.

II. Working principle of button battery

(I) Chemical composition

Common industrial button batteries include lithium-manganese batteries, silver-zinc batteries and so on, whose chemical composition determines the basic performance of the battery.

(II) Electrochemical reaction process

During the discharge process, the redox reaction of the positive and negative electrodes occurs, and the migration of ions in the electrolyte.


III. Influence of low temperature on industrial button battery

(I) Capacity reduction

Low temperature will slow down the internal chemical reaction rate of the battery and reduce the utilization of active material, thus significantly reducing the capacity of the battery.

(II) Poor discharge characteristics

The discharge platform is reduced and the discharge time is shortened, which can not meet the normal working requirements of the equipment in the low temperature environment.

(3) Increase of internal resistance

The internal resistance of the battery increases with the decrease of temperature, which will lead to the increase of energy loss and the decrease of output power.

(4) Shortened life span

Frequent low temperature use may accelerate the aging of batteries and reduce their cycle life.

IV. Influence of high temperature on industrial button batteries

(I) Capacity attenuation

High temperature will accelerate the side reactions inside the battery, resulting in the loss of active materials, thus gradually attenuating the capacity.

(2) Safety issues

High temperature may cause potential safety hazards such as overheating, expansion and even explosion of batteries.

(3) Self-discharge is accelerated.

At high temperature, the self-discharge rate of the battery increases significantly, which reduces the storage performance of the battery.

(IV) Change of internal resistance

Unlike at low temperatures, the internal resistance may first decrease and then increase at high temperatures.

5. Structural design and temperature adaptability of industrial button batteries

(I) Selection of shell material

Materials with good thermal insulation and heat dissipation properties to reduce the impact of high and low temperatures on the interior of the battery.

(II) Electrolyte optimization

High temperature or low temperature resistant electrolyte formula is adopted to improve the ion conduction performance.

(III) Sealing structure

Ensure the sealing of the battery at different temperatures to prevent the invasion of moisture and impurities.

VI. Measures to improve the high and low temperature performance of industrial button batteries

(I) Improvement of battery materials

Develop new electrode materials and electrolytes to enhance the temperature adaptability of batteries.

(II) Thermal management technology

A reasonable thermal management system is used in the equipment to provide a suitable working temperature environment for the battery.

(3) Optimizing the conditions of use

Choose the right button cell model for different temperature ranges and follow the correct methods of use and storage.

VII. Conclusion

Industrial grade button batteries show obvious performance differences in high and low temperature environments.At low temperature, the capacity decreases, the discharge characteristics become worse and the internal resistance increases, while at high temperature, it leads to capacity fading, safety problems and accelerated self-discharge.The performance and reliability of coin cells in high and low temperature environment can be improved by reasonable structural design, material improvement and optimization of service conditions, which can provide more stable power support for industrial applications.

In future research, the mechanism of performance change of button batteries under extreme temperature conditions should be further explored, and more advanced technologies and methods should be developed to meet the growing industrial needs.

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  • Mr Wu
  • Mr Lan

