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Advantages and disadvantages of coin cell batteries

Product Name: Coin cell battery

Product Introduction:

A button battery is a small, convenient, reusable battery that gets its name from its shape and size similar to that of an adult clasp. Coin cell battery is a common DC power supply, which is widely used in various small electronic devices, such as calculators, watches, remote controls, toys, electronic tags, etc.


1. Portability: The coin cell battery is small in size, light in weight, easy to carry, and can be easily installed in various small equipment.

2. Reusable: A button battery is a reusable battery that can be used for a long time only by replacing it once

3. Long life: The life of coin cell batteries is usually longer than that of traditional disposable batteries, which can provide a longer use time.

4. Safety: The inside of the button battery adopts a sealed design, which will not cause leakage and other problems, and the safety is high.


1. Limited power: the coin cell battery has limited power, short use time, and needs to be replaced regularly.

2. Long charging time: The coin cell battery takes a certain amount of time to fully charge, and it is not suitable for equipment that needs to be charged frequently.

3. High cost: Compared with some other types of batteries, the cost of button batteries is relatively high

4. Not suitable for high-voltage equipment: The voltage of button batteries is relatively low, which is not suitable for equipment that requires high voltage

Comparison with other technologies:

Compared with traditional lead-acid batteries and lithium-ion batteries, button batteries have a relatively small capacity, but the price is relatively low, and they have the advantages of reusability, and in the field of small electronic devices, button batteries have a wide range of application prospects.

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  • Mr Wu
  • Mr Lan

